
Light traffic tunnels in Ülemiste traffic junction (facilities nr. 3, 4 and 5)

Tunnels base plates were waterproofed using GRACE Preprufe 300R rollable membrane before concrete casting took place. GRACE Bituthene 4000 rollable membrane was used to waterproof walls and ceiling and FEB Aquaseal Hyprufe for supporting masonries. After installing the rollable membrane, its edges were sealed using GRACE Bituthene Mastic liquid membrane. INTERPLAST Iso-Drain 8 Diagonal drainage mat was installed on walls and supporting masonries to protect the waterproofing. PVC-joint filler Kunex DA 50/3 was installed on tunnel base plate and walls exterior surface deformation joint. Ceiling plate outer surface motion joint was filled with PVC-joint filler GRACE Serviseal Type B. the same material was also installed to joint interior surface under asphalt cover. The tunnel base was covered with Xypex Concentrate coating from the inside.


What we did

We carried out car tunnels and drive-on ramps exterior and interior waterproofing works and the installation of deformation joint fillers.

What we used

GRACE Preprufe 300R
GRACE Bituthene 4000
GRACE Bituthene Mastic
FEB Aquaseal Hyprufe
GRACE Serviseal Type B
INTERPLAST Iso-Drain 8 Diagonal
XYPEX Concentrate