Fahle Building bearing structures
Situated in Tallinn building of a former cellulose factory has become an impressive city’s landmark. Starting from the year of 1995 many various ideas were considered in relation to this building: e.g., plans to move here the Art Academy, build concert and theatre halls, let alone offices – however, none of this ideas was realized. In 2002 a building company Koger & Partnerid mustered up the courage and in cooperation with an architectural bureau KOKO set about planning its possible future in a more realistic way. So in the year of 2006 Fahle building (the name was given after Emil Fahle who used to be one of the most influential citizens in the town) was completed. In 2006 Fahle building was awarded the annual architectural prize of Eesti Kultuurkapital. The creators: Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar (KOKO Arhitektid), a constructor: Ago Kuddu, the interior design: Liis Lindvere, Raili Paling, Liisi Murula (KOKO Arhitektid).
Gross area of the building complex is more than 14 500 m². Fahle building first three storeys house offices and commercial areas, whereas the next 5 storeys and the penthouse are designed for apartments, of which 50 are studios. The studios feature the high ceilings and old wall surfaces. The penthouse apartments boast panoramic views as they have no traditional walls. From one side there is a view to Ülemiste lake, landing airplanes, the artery traffic line, from the other side – to the Old town of Tallinn. There is also an underground car park.
We fulfilled different waterproofing works through the head contractor’s request.
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