
Xypex Concentrate DS

Concrete waterproofing on the basis of concentrate_ds-pcrystallisation – applied dry-shaken on horisontal surfaces before treatment of “green” concrete with a cement-like slurry


Xypex Concentrate is the unique chemical treatment compound for waterproofing and protection of concrete. Xypex Concentrate DS1 and DS2 are specially designed mixtures dry-shaken onto fresh concrete surface prior finishing.

Xypex Concentrate DS dry powder consists of portland cement, fine treated silica sand and a set of patented compounds. Active chemicals react with moisture in fresh concrete and with by-products of cement hydration to cause the catalitic reaction which generates non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracks stopping penetration of water and other liquids into concrete in every direction.

Advantages of Xypex Concentrate DS

  • allows waterproofing of structures against negative hydrostatic pressure
  • protects concrete and reinforcement steel
  • allows concrete to breathe
  • becomes integral part of the substrate

Advantages of dry-shake applications compared to other coats
Xypex Concentrate DS1 and DS2 become integral part of the substrate and they exclude problems of conventional coats (i.e., dust, shrinkage, etc.), less costly for horisontal surfaces therefore construction scheduling is more flexible


  • car parks
  • foundation slabs
  • bridge coatings
  • water containers
  • sewage and water treatment plants
  • traffic bearing susrfaces


  • waterproof – resists up to 135 m water column (max capacity of testing device)
  • resistant to chemicals – chemicals like hydrochloric acid solution, hydrate of sodium, toluene, mineral oil, chloride in the swimming-pool water, hydraulic fluid and other chemicals do not damage the concrete
  • resistant to freezing/melting cycling – protects reinforcement from corrosion
  • resistant to irradiation – tolerant to minimum of 5.76×104 rad gamma-rays

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Concentrate_DS.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Xypex Concentrate

Product description concentrate-p

Xypex is a unique treatment for waterproofing and protection of concrete. Xypex Concentrate is the most chemically active product in the Xypex system. Dry powder is mixed with water and applied to substrate in a single coat.


  • reservoirs
  • sewage and water treatment plants
  • foundations, basements
  • underground vaults
  • tunnels and subways
  • swimming pools
  • car parks


  • resists extreme hydrostatic pressure
  • crystal structure becomes the integral part of concrete
  • can seal hairline cracks up to 0.4 mm
  • allows concrete to breathe
  • resistant to agressive chemicals
  • non-toxic
  • does not require a dry surface
  • puncture and tear resistant
  • no pre-priming or levelling before application
  • does not require ovelapping
  • can be applied either to positive or negative side of concrete surface
  • does not require protection in back-filling, or reinforcing
  • low application costs
  • not subject to deterioration
  • permanent

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Concentrate.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Xypex Admix

Product description


Xypex is a unique chemical additive for enchancing waterproofing and durability of concrete. Xypex Admix C-1000 is added to concrete mix when batching. Xypex Admix C-1000 consists of portland cement, fine treated silica sand and a set of patented compounds. Active chemicals react with moisture in fresh concrete and with by-products of cement hydration to cause the catalitic reaction which generates non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracks stopping penetration of water and other liquids into concrete.

Note: Xypex Admix C series has been formulated to meet different project and temperature conditions. Consult Xypex distributor to get the most appropriate Xypex Admix for your project.


  • Reservoirs
  • Sewage and water treatment plants
  • Secondary containment structures
  • Tunnels and subway systems
  • Underground vaults
  • Foundations
  • Parking structures
  • Swimming pools
  • Modular elements


  • Resists extreme hydrostatic pressure, either positive or negative.
  • Becomes an integral part of the main structure.
  • Tolerant to agressive chemicals.
  • Can seal statical cracks up to 0,4 mm.
  • Allows concrete to “breathe”.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Less costly to apply than similar methods.
  • Permanent.
  • Added to the concrete at the time of batching and therefore is not subject to climatic restraints.
  • Increases flexibility in construction scheduling.

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Admix_C-1000.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Gamma Cure

Product description gamma_cure-p

Gamma Cure is a cure agent, used for Xypex after-treatment instead of water spraying. Gamma Cure enchances crystallization process and protects surface treated with Xypex.


Gamma Cure increases hydrolysis of portland cement forming clean silica gel, which absorbs and retains water required for growth of crystals (one gel molecule retains 300 water molecules). Gamma Cure acts as a catalyst for the reaction between unhydrated lime and carbon dioxide, resulting in extremely hard and dense carbonate of lime surface, which retards evaporation.


Dilute 1 part of Gamma Cure with 3 parts clean water.
Apply by spraying onto the crystallised Xypex-processed surface before Xypex dries (approx.1-2 hours after application).

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Xypex_Gamma_Cure.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Zentrifix GM 2T


Mineral portland cement-based mortar for joints


  • one component
  • applicable by hand and pump
  • non-shrinkable
  • low elasticity modul
  • high stability

Areas of application

  • filling of decayed joints, mainly repairs of outdoor joints
  • masonry, first of all, listed historical buildings
  • joints that are wider than 5-fold size of the mortar agent grain

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Zentrifix_GM_2T.pdf and from our sales representatives.



Heating insulation of sub-structures with  STYROFOAM blue insulation tiles

STYROFOAM blue insulation tile from extruded spongy polystyrene foam (XPS) is a special insulation material with high technical characteristics, developed by Dow Chemical Company in 1941. During the process of extrusion melted polystyrene is pressed out through the nozzle, and when cooled, slowly pressed to the necessary gauge.

Nonporous structure of the material comprises the closed cells. Due to the closed cells soaking of tiles is near to be excluded. It means that the material retains its heating insulation ability for a long time, even in the water environment.

Closed cells structure distinguishes itself by a variety of extraordinary properties:

  • especially low heat conductivity foam_2
  • good physical strength
  • no capillary suction capacity

In addition, it boasts a range of special properties:

  • high moisture resistance
  • resistant to freeze/thaw cycling
  • non-shrinkable, great vapor diffusion resistance

During installation it shows up that tiles are:

  • light-weight and easily handled,
  • easily cut with simple tools,
  • decay- and crumb formation resistant,
  • clean, odourless and nonirritant

The extraordinary properties allow to use STYROFOAM products in special type  waterproofing systems – for protection of structures against frost heaving in heating insulation of basements, sole plates, cellar flooring and turned roofs, as well as heating insulation of roads, streets, railways freeze protection, water and sewages.

STYROFOAM insulation provides numerous solutions both for designers, builders and owners of structures: high heating insulation characteristics remains during the whole structure’s life span. E.g., in basement walls and under slab foundations the low heat conductivity remains permanent, and even in frost heaving (when either of the sides contact with soil) only weakens a little.


Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet ET_STYROFOAM.pdf and from our sales representatives. Certificiate Styrofoam_CE.pdf.





High-sulphate resistant PCC fine mortar for surface potection in waste water treating plants


  • synthetically modified
  • resistant to extreme water attacks (tested according to DIN 4030)
  • good resistance against biogenous sulphuric acid corrosion
  • high durability
  • vapour permeability
  • water resistant
  • good adhesion to mineral substrate
  • can be applied both manually and mechanically
  • environmentally friendly
  • resistant to pressurised water

Areas of application

  • for surface protection of concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete in structural parts of waste water facilities with pH 14 – pH3.0
  • surface protection in landfill facilities
  • in sewers
  • in waste water gullies
  • rain spillway basins

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet MC-RIM_F.pdf and from our sales representatives.


MC-DUR porfil


Epoxy coating, penetrating into substrate


  • two component, solvent free, low viscosity epoxy resin
  • excellent penetration into concrete and plaster
  • retains the substrate initial shape and adhesion
  • easy to install, short delays, UV-resistant
  • no film-formation, so the substrate retains its initial coefficient of adhesion
  • resists hydrostatic pressure, chemicals, oils, fats, petrol, etc.
  • improves physical properties of the substrate (durability, adhesion of the coating)
  • acts as evaporation barrier, prevents CO2 diffusion, protects against chlorides

Areas of application

  • transparent coating for old and new concrete
  • curing agent for „green“ concrete and plaster. Reduces shrinkage cracking, resulting from too fast drying

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet MC-DUR_porfil.pdf and from our sales representatives.

mc-logo-535MC-DUR 1800 TX-AS

Thixotropic pigmented epoxy resin for electrostatically conductive coating


  • conductive epoxy resin with high chemical resistance
  • solvent-free, two-component, pigmented
  • increased resistance against numerous agressive chemicals, oils, various solvents, etc. (see “Table of Chemical Resistances”)
  • physically exposed (road users on foot, light traffic on rubber wheels)
  • applied with roller both on horisontal and vertical substrates

Areas of application

  • electrostatically conductive coating for mineral substrates

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet and from our sales representatives.


Konusit KK 10


Mineral silicate polymer for protection of concrete against agressive chemicals


  • two-component mineral silicate mixture
    – dry powder Konusit KK 10
    – liquid component Konusit KK 10 F


  • very high chemical resistance in the agressive environment, e.g. acids, solvents, etc. (see table of chemical stability/resistances for more information)
  • moisture vapor permeability
  • water resistant
  • resists high temperatures up to + 570 °C
  • very good adhesion on steel and concrete
  • high resistance against mechanical impact
  • environmentally safe
  • applied by hand or by spraying technique
  • resistant against de-icing salts

Areas of application

  • concrete repairs and protection in wastewater industry; especially good in acidic environment
  • very good in water treatment structures, in chemical industry, where exposed to mechanical impact

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Konusit-KK_1o.pdf and from our sales representatives.