

Bituthene Mastic

Bitumen mastic, for use with GRACE waterproof membrane


  • one component compound – ready-made mastic for sealing of curved surfaces, pipes and membrane edges
  • easily applied – brushed onto surface with trowel


Bituthene® mastic is cold-applied one component bitumene mastic, used as an ancillary product during installation of Bituthene® laminated membrane.

Used for bonding membrane edges in sub-structures, on curved surfaces and around pipes and barriers.


Bituthene Liquid Membrane

Two component elasthomeric liquid membrane for use with Bituthene or Preprufe laminated membrane


  • liquid installation – follows irregular forms
  • waterpoof – steam and pressure resistant
  • rubbery strength – flexible  and damage resistant
  • jointless – continious membrane
  • petrifying – not affected by temperature falls
  • cold application – fireproof
  • suitable for Bituthene® – completes Bituthene® insulation


Bituthene® Liquid Membrane has been developed to complete Grace Servicised® laminated membrane systems in places where it is necessary to install liquid hydroinsulation to ensure waterproof continuity. Bituthene® Liquid Membrane pertrifies into rubbery liquid membrane.

Among ordinary Bituthene® applications of liquid membrane there is hydro-insulation of distorted, irregular or stepped profiles, penetrations in piles, internal angles, pipes, grooves, etc. Bituthene® Liquid Membrane two components are mixed in-situ and applied with a trowel. 


Bituthene 8000

Advanced, water, moisture and gas resistant self-adhesive membrane for sub-structures


  • water and moisture resistant – for levels 2, 3 and 4 according to  BS 8102:1990 (UK) .
  • gas resistant – protects against methane and radon gas
  • high quality – hydrostatic pressure resistance 70 m/w.c., with ultra low moisture transmission rate.
  • non-metallic membrane – chemicals resistant; unlike the aluminium based membranes, overlaps do not require extra bond.
  • wide application range reduces delays – application temperature  from -100 °C to +350 °C, damp substrate inclusive.
  • easier handling in warm weather – over 20% reduction in solar heat absorption
  • unique composite film membrane – engineered for strong, flexible and smooth finish.
  • ensures quality installation – printed overlap line leads to minimal overlap; slightly highlighted spots show damages, facilitating repairs.
  • compatibility – can be combined with Preprufe® pre-applied membrans, Bituthene® liquid membrane and Hydroduct® products for systematic solutions

Bituthene®8000 updates well-known Bituthene® bonding technology with the unique grey coloured carrier film, providing high quality result and simple installation. Membrane can be used for protection of horizontal or vertical foundations and other sub-structures against penetration of water, moisture and gas.

Bituthene® has been tested to withstand more than 70 m w.c. and exceeds more than 90 times BRE (UK) minimal requirement for methane resistance. The membrane is printed with Bituthene® logo for easier identification and overlap lines at either of the edges to ensure 50mm overlap. Bituthene® 8000 is very strong, still, accidental damages are made visible by the black compound showing through the grey film. Damages can be easily repaired with a piece of Bituthene® 8000.

In the drawing:

  1. Applied Bituthene® 8000 Primer B2
  2. Servistrip® AT 205
  3. E Installed in advance Preprufe® R membrane
  4. Bituthene® Liquid Membrane
  5. Servipak® or Hydroduct®


Bituthene 4000 DW

Self-adhesive, cold applied waterproofing membrane for roofs of drinking water structures


  • UK WBS listed – tested and approved for use in contact with drinking water
  • moisture resistant primer – can be applied onto damp or „green“ concrete
  • application at low temperature – superb sticky material bonds to concrete at up to -10 °C.
  • easy to apply – overlaps are bond to super-sticky material, no need for heating.
  • Chemically resistant – effective outdoor protection against agressive soils, contaminated ground water, dilute acids and alkalis.
  • flexible – accomodates minor settlement and shrinkage


Bituthene® 4000 DW is an advanced cold applied waterproofing membrane, that combines high efficiency cross laminate HDPE membrane with excellent unique bond self-adhesive rubber bithumene material. Specially developed for  waterproofing roofs of drinking water containers.

Bituthene® 4000 DW offers the significant benefit of all year round application. Primer B2 and special compound ensure dry and damp concrete at temperatures from  -100 °C to +350 °C.

Bituthene® 4000 DW can be used with Primer B2, and use of protection board Servipak® is recommended. Where roof drainage is required, geomembrane Hydroduct® can be used instead of Servipak® 3.

In the drawning:

  1. Hydroduct
  2. Applied Bituthene 4000 DW Primer B2


Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Bituthene_4000DW.pdf  and from our sales representatives.



Bituthene 4000

Self-adhesive waterproof HDPE/ rubber bitumen laminate membrane, applied onto wet surfaces with Primer B2


  • cold application – easily applied onto substrates even in low temperatures
  • suitable for application onto “freshly poured” concrete – reduces working time
  • moisture tolerant primer – allows application in damp or open spaces with weather affected conditions.
  • wide application temperature range – excellent bond to substrate and finishers at temperatures from -100 °C to +350 °C
  • overlap security – decreases risk of errors made in-situ
  • cross laminated high density polyethylene – ensures high tear, puncture and impact resistance.
  • flexible – accommodates minor structural movements and smoothens cracks.

Bituthene® 4000 is a flexible waterproof laminated membrane, that combines highly effective cross laminate HDPE membrane with a unique super sticky self-adhesive rubber bitumen compound.

Ancillary products Primer B2
Primer B2 is used to prepare vertical and sloping substrates. Primer is moisture tolerant and can be applied on „green“ concrete or damp to touch substrates.

In the drawing:

  1. Applied Bituthene® 4000 Primer B2
  2. Hydroduct® and protection board
  3. Bituthene® Liquid Membrane
  4. Bituthene® 4000 ja Servipak® 3 protection

Bituthene® Liquid Membrane
Waterproof continuity at angles is provided by two component Bituthene® Liquid Membrane.

Servipak® protection
Damage from application of the following material layers can be prevented by covering a membrane with pressure presistant and decay resistant Servipak® boards, fixed by Pak Adhesive. Vertical surfaces can be protected from backfilling by Servipak®, Hydroduct® or other recommended by Grace boards located with double-side tape.

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Bituthene_4000V.pdf
and from our sales representatives.

Bituthene 4000

Self-adhesive HDPE hydro-insulation membrane for use on horizontal substrates with moisture tolerant Primer B2


  • Good bonding characteristics – rubber bituthene substance may be applied with Primer B2 on damp substrate.
  • Cold applied – easily applied on substrate even in low temperatures.
  • Wide application temperature range – excellent bond to substrate and cover in temperatures from –4 °C to +35 °C.
  • Overlap security – reduces risk of in-situ errors.
  • Cross laminated high density polyethylene carrier film – provides high tear strength, puncture and impact resistance.
  • Flexible – accommodates minor structural movements and smoothens volume shrinkage cracks.

Bituthene® 4000 is flexible waterproof laminated membrane, which combines very effective cross laminated HDPE membrane with a unique superb self-adhesive  rubber bitumen compound.

Bituthene® is suitable for hydro-insulation of the horizontal concrete surfaces when temperatures of use do not exceed 54 °C. Applied to multilayer concrete constructions, e.g. terrasses and parking buildings.

In the drawing:

  1. Bituthene LM liquid membrane or Bituthene Mastic
  2. Bituthene LM liquid membrane
  3. Bituthene 4000
  4. Primer B2
  5. Hydroduct 660


In indoor conditions Bituthene can be used in floors of technical rooms, laboratories, kitchens and washing rooms. (See about hydroinsulation of sub-structures  in “Sub-structur’s hydroinsulation Bituthene® 4000.”) Bituthene is brushed onto the surfaces, that should be pre-primed with Primer B2, with sticky side down. Continuity of membrane is ensured when it is minimum 50 mm overlapped and the joint is firmly rolled over. Bituthene is very elastic, it can smoothen shrinkage cracks and resists minor structural deformations within the whole life of a building.

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Bituthene_4000.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Grace Construction Products Ltd on üks ülemaailmseid ehituskeemia- ja materjalitööstuse liidreid ca 2,5 miljardilise aastakäibe ja 155 aastase ajalooga. Emafirma asub USA-s ja esindused paiknevad enam kui 70-s riigis. Euroopat teenindab 1960. aastal asutatud Inglisma esindus koos Inglismaa (Serviced®), Prantsusmaa (Pieri®) ja Saksamaa (Betec®) tootetehastega. Grace Construction Products pakub laias valikus uuenduslikke ehituskeemia ja ehitusmaterjale: betoonilisandeid ja fiibreid, pigmente värvilise betooni jaoks, betoonikivi tooteid, õhu- ja aurutõkkeid, katuse aluskatteid, isekleepuvaid teipe akendele ja ustele, konstruktsiooni hüdroisolatsioonimaterjale ja tulekaitse materjale.

Ehituskonstruktsioonide hüdroisoleerimisel on välja töötatud terviklahendused rullmembraanide Preprufe®/Bituthene® süsteemiga, mida täiendavad erinevad konstruktsioonisõlmede lahendused ja monoliitbetooni valatavad vuugilindid. Silladekkide hüdroisoleerimiseks pakub Grace terviklahendust Servidek®/Servipak® süsteemi näol koos erinevate deformatsioonivuugi elementidega.


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Tel. 655 2502
GSM: 50 79 074


Dipl. ehitusinsener
Grace müügijuht
Tel. 665 2502
GSM: 50 43 118

Adcor 500S

Swellable conformable waterstop strip, expanding in contact with water, for sealing joints in monolithic concrete

Product description
Conformable, expanding in contact with water swellable polymer/butyl rubber waterstop. When fully encapsulated by concrete cover, the expansive forces form a waterstop between concrete and strip. The seal is resistant to hydrostatic water pressure, stopping water from entering sub-constructions.

Adcor® is specially developed unique product, that provides better protection than bentonite joints strips and traditional swellable rubber waterstops.

Grace can also ensure continuity of swellable waterstop at deformation and construction joints intersections. This is achieved by linking Adcor®  500Si and Servitite®  AT 200 (Servitite®  AT 200 is manufactured by means of co-extruding PVC with hydrofilic element; see drawing on the reverse side).

Drawing: Adcor® 500S at construction joint berween floor slab and wall.


  • Construction joints in in-situ concrete structures.
  • Joints between existing concrete and new casting.
  • Between foundation slab and support wall (e.g., support walls for structural seal sections and steel sheet piles).
  • Joints between pile caps and foundation slab.
  • Pipe penetrations through walls and floors.
  • Casting with concrete over holes.


  • controlled volumetric expansion – reduces risk of concrete spalling when swelling;
  • conformable – can be applied even at irregular substrates;
  • retains cohesive strength at both expanded and original shape;
  • when applying, no need for protecting joints with steel mash;
  • resists at least 6 bar hydrostatic pressure (60 m w.c.);
  • volumetric expansion min 100% in cement water;
  • joint overlaps are easily performed;
  • reproducively swelled after wet/dry cycling;
  • contains no sodium bentonite;
  • product can be easily jointed to Grace PVC waterstops at intersections.

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Adcor_500.pdf
and from our sales representatives.


Xypex Patch’n Plug

Product description patcn_plug-p

Xypex Patch & Plug is fast-setting, non-shrink, high-bond-strengh hydraulic cement compound for concrete patching and repair.
Patch & Plug stops flowing water in seconds and is used to seal cracks, tie-holes and other defects in concrete. Does not comprise calcium chloride.


  • stopping of active water flowing through cracks
  • repair of concrete substrates before the application of XYPEX coatings


  • single component (simply add water)
  • fast-setting: 2 to 3 minutes at 21 °C
  • excellent structural strength
  • as durable as tne masonry and concrete itself
  • non-metallic (won’t rust or deteriorate)
  • non-toxic

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Patchn_Plug.pdf
and from our sales representatives.

Xypex Modified

Product description

Xypex is a unique chemical treatment for waterproofing, protection and repair of concrete.
Xypex Modified can be applied as a second coat for reindorcement of Xypex Concentrate coating or used for exterior damp barrier. Applied as a second coat Xypex Modified chemically reinforces Xypex Concentrate and provides a harder finishing. To apply a damp barrier, one coat of Xypex Modified may be used instead of bitumene emulsion. Xypex prevents penetration of water and other liquids from any direction. Catalytic reaction results in formation of non-soluble crystalline structure within the pores and capillary tracks of cement-based materials.


Xypex Modified is used as a single coat for damp-proofing or as a second coat over Xypex Concentrate in the following applications:

  • reservoirs
  • sewage and water treatment plants
  • tunnels and subways
  • basements
  • foundations
  • car parks
  • swimming pools


  • resists extreme hydrostatic pressure
  • becomes an integral part of the substrate
  • allows concrete to breathe
  • resists agressive chemicals
  • non-toxic
  • does not require dry weather or dry surface
  • cannot puncture, or tear
  • no priming or levelling prior application
  • does not require sealing
  • can be applied to the positive or negative side of concrete
  • does not require protection in back-filling or when reinforcement is installed
  • low application costs
  • not subject to deterioration
  • permanent

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Modified.pdf
and from our sales representatives.