Grace Construction Products Ltd is one of the worldwide leaders in manufacture of structural chemistry and building material industry, with steady approximate 2,5 billion revenue and 155-year-old history. The parent company is located in the USA and offices are found in more than 70 counties. British office (founded in 1960) plus English (Serviced®), French (Pieri®) and German (Betec®) plants together service Europe. Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of innovative structural chemistry products and building materials: concrete supplements and fibers, pigments for coloured concrete, concrete bricks and blocks, air and steam barriers, roof bottom decks, self-adhesive tapes for windows and doors, construction waterproofing materials and fire-proof materials.
In case of building structures waterproofing solistic solutions have been developed with laminated membrane Preprufe®/Bituthene® system and Procor® liquid membrane system that may be completed with various solutions of structural units and joint strips poured into monolithic concrete. For bridge decks hydro-insulation Grace offer holistic solution system Servidek®/Servipak® combined with various deformation joints elements.
Slipstrip 2
Dense extruded polyethylene sheet for low load fixed end rotation joints
- economical – easily installed on flat surfaces without affecting bearing height;
- thin intersection – allows use in the restricted areas; does not reduce concrete protection cover;
- low coefficient of friction – decreases friction forces and eliminates spalling at extreme edges;
- deformable – accepts minor irregularities in concrete surface, prevents locking-up of bearing;
- separating – creates sliding joint between different building materials;
- UK WBS listed – sertified for use in contact with drinking water;
- Slipstrip™ 2 is used in sliding joints with max load 0,7 N/mm², with coefficient of friction 0,15
Practical Application
Slipstrip™ is economical strip with low capacity and low friction, can be used in in-situ or pre-cast concrete slabs and beams, structural steelwork bearing plates and pipe supports to form a thin sliding joint. Product is extruded from specially formulated polyethylene, which is resistant to most chemicals, solvents and weather conditions.
In the drawing
- Serviseal®
- Slipstrip™ 2
- Vertiseal® CE STD/DW
Slipstrip™ is therefore ideal as a bearing strip in all conditions of exposure subject to the loading conditions. The bearing strips are formed by layering two sheets together, smoth to smooth face. The tape helps prevent ingress of fines and concrete grout between sliding surfaces. The texted bottom layer is bond onto a smooth bearing substrate with Servicised® Pak Adhesive. Two layers of Slipstrip™’ can be used for sliding walls joints, pre-stressed and post-tensioned circular concrete tanks or similar structures, provided the load bearing capacity is not exceeded.
Servistrip AH 205
Active joint strip which swells when exposed to water for sealing joints in monolithic concrete
- Effective – swells when exposed to water up to four-fold and seals joints
- Easy to apply – no special equipment or special glues required
- With inhibiting overlap layer – controlled swelling when a strip applied prevents cracking of „green“ concrete
- economical – easy to apply both to existing and new structure
- suitable for complicated concrete casts – hydrophilic strip can be bent, added to suit complicated poured shapes, and sequences can be poured
- durable – even at the repeated wet/dry cycling
Servistrip® AH 205 is hydrophilic rubber strip, that is used for sealing monolithic concrete construction joints. Suitable for a variety of new concrete joints and new to existing joints. Inhibiting overlap prevents strip swelling within 7–10 days after pouring concrete. Thus expansion pressure do not cause fresh concrete spalling and concrete has time to reach its design strength. Simple shape of the strip allows to be installed in such complicated shapes as shear walls and adjoining or rough surfaces, where other methods are impossible or require special details.
Movement Joints
Servistrip® AH is only sutable for sealing construction joints. In movement joints it can be combined with PVC waterstop.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Servistrip_AH205.pdf
and from our sales representatives.
Serviseal Type B
Covered bridge movement joint
Application advantages
- Long history, over 30 years of proven performance.
- Suitable for extension and rotation joints in smaller bridges and car parks.
- Movement range ±5 mm or ±10 mm with metal riding plate.
- Elastic, easily conformable with bridge characteristics
- Allows smooth asphalt continuity
Application advantages
- Economical, cold fixed system, quickly and easily installed.
- Can be used separately or as a part of general bridge hydro-insulation.
- Used in the new or repaired structures
- Application method allows road closures by lanes
Serviseal® Type B is preformed pressed PVC strip for waterproof covered joints with movement range ±5 mm or with galvanised metal riding plate ±10 mm.
Serviseal® Type B pressed profile middle part allows movement. It ensures water stop during bridge plate shrinkage and expansion. When used with Servidek® and Servipak® system forms continious hydro-insulation solution.
Bitustik™ is self-adhesive double side polyethylene tape. Comprising film carriers, covered with rubber bitumene on either sides, Bitustik™ suits for bond of waterproof and protection layers to substrates and membrane.
Mechanical bridge expansion joints elements with armoured skid resistant aluminium
- Applications – movement joints on heavily trafficked bridges or elevated ramps and car parks.
- Movement range – 51 mm to 165 mm.
- Skid resistant – high strength aluminium plate with grooved surface for maximum friction.
- Kerbs and upstands – prefabricated units are manufactured by mitring, welding and vulcanising to ensure complete continuity.
- Armoured – aluminium shielding protects polymer rubber from impact and tire abrasion.
- Drainage channels – rapid discharge of surface water.
- Reliable – moulded from long lasting polymer rubber.
- Resistant to delamination and buckling – T-locked aluminium extrusions resist cycling forces; steel angles and plates provide structural reinforcement.
- Low stress to sub-structure – 40% greater shear area than conventional designs reduces transmission of stresses to structure.
- Smoother riding – partial confinement of polymer rubber reduces vertical deflection under traffic load.
- Easy installation – surface fixed to concrete deck eliminates complicated box-out and reinforcement.
- Element’s length is 1,83 m – allows only one-direction lane closures and sectional working on repair contracts
Serviflex™ is a range of heavy duty elastomeric bridge expansion joints manufactured from high grade polymer rubber, reinforced with steel angles and plates with hard wearing aluminium plate.
Serviflex™ is resistant in the following conditions:
- heavy traffic and snow ploughs;
- range of movements, imposed by:
– creep and shrinkage;
– expansion and contraction caused by temperature cycles; for surfaces - transmitted braking forces;
- elastic shortage due to pre-stress;
- good skid resisting wearing surface at road level.
The size required should be selected from the chart below for the total aggregated movement expected, taking into account temperature, shrinkage, abutment deflexion, braking forces, etc. Where large scews in excess of 45° occur, Serviflex™ should be recessed a bit back from the kerb and covered with galvanised plates. On pedestrian bridges and podiums a horisontal cover plate may be also used to drainage channels. Servidem™ rubber membrane, fastened below the Serviflex™, acts to provide a secondary waterproofing layer in accordance with British Highway Agency requirements.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Serviflex.pdf
and from our sales representatives.
Servidek / Servipak
Cold applied liquid hydro-insulation system for concrete and steel bridges and other moving surfaces
Description of products
Servidek® is the two-component, liquid applied, rubber bithumene hydro-insulation system. Reaction of the liquid material, cold applied with a trowel or squeegee, forms seamless elastomeric hydro-insulation membrane.
Servipak® protection boards are made from aggregates that bond with bitumene mass laminated between two rough asphaltic papers. Boards bond to liguid membrane, protecting it against damages when hot or cold applied with the installed coatings. Boards are 3 mm, 6 mm and 12 mm wide.
Armourtape™ is self-adhesive rubber bitumene tape, covered with a layer of rough asphaltic paper. It is used for sealing Servipak boards joints.
- damp surface tolerant – fewer restrictions to weather conditions during application;
- green concrete tolerant – if necessary, can be applied to newly poured concrete surfaces, normally, 24 hours later. In that case, it also acts as concrete curing compound;
- elastomeric – will accept cracking in substrates caused by deflection;
- low temperature performance – adhesion and flexibility properties maintained in –40 ºC service conditions;
- speed – hydro-insulation is tolerant to finishing 4 hours after installation;
- easily applied with a squeegee or trowel – no need for special equipment;
- no priming – Servidek® is applied directly to clean substrates;
- no heating or mixing mechanically required – there is no need for technical devices.
- hard Servipak® protection boards – protect membrane from the finishing layers;
- proven performance – over 25 year on British and international road/rail bridges and parking structures
![]() In the drawing
General: Servidek®/Servipak® should be installed by contractors, that have been trained by Grace in correction application procedures.
Servidek®/Servipak® application ambient temperature range is between +4 ºC …+ 35 ºC. Substrate temperature should exceed the dew point.
The application is not permitted if rain or frost is imminent or in conditions when it is likely to freeze before final curing takes place.
Preprufe/Bituthene waterproofing system
Pre-applied Preprufe and self-adhesive Bituthene 8000 membranes ensure continious and integral bond to poured concrete for all types of use below slabs
Product description
Preprufe® waterproofing membrane is pre-installed on the slab and walls poured concrete formwork. Solidification of cast concrete leads to even and complete adhesive bond between concrete and membrane.
Preprufe® comprises strong HDPE carrier film and pressure resistant adhesive compound, covered with a weather resistant coating. After membrane installation plastic film coating is removed.
Bituthene® 8000
Waterproof membrane is laid after pouring walls. Bituthene bonds to Preprufe, forming with surface completely adhesive and continious hydro-insulation system for sub-structures. Bituthene® 8000 comprises withstanding light grey carrier film, self-adhesive rubber bitumene material and protective release paper, that should be peeled back immediately before installation.
Laying of foundation in trench – in basement walls, that are poured with a help of a double-side formwork, Preprufe and Bituthene 8000 combination is used, as shown in the drawning. In restricted conditions in basement walls, that are poured with a help of a one-side formwork (i.e., there is a structure on the other side, non-removable formwork, sheet piling, etc.), Preprufe is used within the whole wall, as shown in the drawning. NB! Some piled walls require levelling before installation of the membrane.
Advantages of the System
- Ensures continious bond with concrete, that prevents water from ingress tracking between structure and membrane.
- Valid relevant national BBA certificate.
- Preprufe retains contact with structure when soils subsidise.
- Ensures complete prevention against water, steam, methane and radon gases.
- Joints completely adhesive.
- The whole range of ancillary products is available, to ensure solidity of penetrations and membrane ends, besides, materials for external drainage building.
- Suitable for round the year application. Preprufe may be installed in wet conditions, after exhaustion of open water.
- An opportunity to quickly remove debris prior concrete pouring.
- Bituthene 8000 can be applied to damp and “green” concrete, at temperature up to –10 ºC.
- The system has been widely used on the majour constuction objects worldwide
Preprufe 300R ja 160RPre-applied waterproofing membranes for slab foundations and sub-constructions water barrierAdvantages |
In the drawing:
Preprufe®300R & 160R membranes are composite materials, comprising thick HDPE film, a pressure sensitive adhesive and weather resistant protective film. Unlike conventional membranes, which are vulnerable to water ingress tracking in joints and penetrations, Preprufe® R membrane adhesive bond to concrete excludes any water ingress into the structure.
The Preprufe® R system comprises:
Preprufe®300R & 160R membranes are applied to smooth prepared concrete substrate or well-rolled and compacted sand; in case of vertical installation, to permanent formwork or adjoining structures. Preprufe® membrane bonds to cast concrete and forms continious insulation layer around the structure. Preprufe® R membrane can be turned up against the internal surface of foundation slab temporary formwok. If during concrete pouring, at the either sides of walls temporary formwork is used, then it is necessary to insulate the wall after taking down the formwork with self-adhesive membrane Bituthene® 8000.
Bituthene tapes
A range of self-adhesive waterproof bithumene tapes for fixing and insulation of the membranes at the open and closed surfaces
- Open surfaces on roofs, gutters, etc.
- Insulation around roof windows, chimneys, etc. and UV-protection of membranes on parapets
Flexible UV-resistant aluminium/bithumene tape Alu-Bitutape™ with special Bituthene® sticky compound for insulation of open surfaces. Available in “tile red” or “lead grey” for use with various roof finishers. Alu-Bitutape™ tapes, provided in a range of widths, can be simply adapted to working conditions without heating or any special tools. Alu-Bitutape™ perfectly bonds with the most often used building materials (brickwork, concrete, wood, metal).
- waterproof insulation tape of general purpose.
- sealing and fixing of Bituthene® membranes at angles, penetrations, etc. Non-exposed surfaces under roof coatings, around window frames, etc.
Std-Bitutape™ is cross laminated HDPE/bithumene tape for application in non-exposed surfaces. Flexible Std-Bitutape™ strips of different widths are easily cut and cold applied. Std-Bitutape™ excellently bonds with the most used building materials and every Bituthene® laminate membrane.
- general purpose, double-sided insulation tape for non-exposed surfaces.
- suits as an ancillary material with Bituthene®, Preprufe®, Procor™ and other membranes installation.
Bitustik™ is a flexible self-adhesive polyethylene/bithumene strip Bituthene® with sticky compound, with excellent bond to the most used building materials and can be used with all Grace Servicised® waterproof laminated membrane.
Protection board
A choice of protection boards for protection of roofing waterproof membrane
Installation of waterproof membrane may cause damages in horizontal finish layers. For membranes protection Grace has designed a choice of membranes protection boards for different coatings.
Grace Protection Roll 2
Hard protection board on the basis of bithumene, suitable for damage prevention of waterproof membrane under grass roofs or hard coatings.
Servipak 3 or 6
Strong protection board on the basis of bithumene, suitable for damage prevention of waterproof membrane under hot asphalt coating.
Procor Protection Board TD 1.5
Strong polymeric protection board, suitable for waterproof membrane installed under wooden planking.
- ensures protection against ocassional damages when installing upper coatings;
- light-weighted and easy to install;
- can be installed onto waterproof membrane immediately when it resists movement;
- joints are covered with bithumene tape
Waterproof membranes for concrete surfaces
Protection boards, described in the current data sheet, are used with the following Grace waterproof systems:
- Procor® 2 system
- Procor® 4R system
- Servidek®/Servipak®
- Servirufe®