
Betosan s.r.o. was founded in Czech Republic in 1992. A company grew out of an engineering bureau, which dealt with the reinforced concrete diagnostics and repairs consultancy.
Betosan s.r.o. specialises in manufacture of rehabilitation and waterproofing materials for reinforced concrete; offers ready-to-use mixtures for reinforced concrete sanation as well as various mortar admixtures for reinforced concrete, that allow in-situ measuring in dosage of filling compounds, necessary for a blend.
A wide product line includes dry concrete mixes, containing XYPEX® admixture.



Betosan s.r.o. was founded in Czech Republic in 1992. A company grew out of an engineering bureau, which dealt with the reinforced concrete diagnostics and repairs consultancy.
Betosan s.r.o. specialises in manufacture of rehabilitation and waterproofing materials for reinforced concrete; offers ready-to-use mixtures for reinforced concrete sanation as well as various mortar admixtures for reinforced concrete, that allow in-situ measuring in dosage of filling compounds, necessary for a blend.
A wide product line includes dry concrete mixes, containing XYPEX® admixture.




Waterproofing thixotropic mortar with XYPEX ADMIX C 1000 admixture

Product Characteristics
A single-component dry mortar expansible mix containing expansive and sealing Single-component dry (thixotropic) mortar mix containing sealing admixtures XYPEX ADMIX C 1000. Meets the requirements of Annex ZA of EN 14891

  • applied manually or by dry spraying
  • perfect adhesion to base, good mechanical properties
  • compensated in volume
  • permanently water-resistant
  • is waterproof (up to 120 m water pressure)
  • freeze-thaw resistant
  • high chemical resistance
  • seals the concrete surface to water, oils, organic solvents, petroleum products.

WATERFIX XP TH is a single-component, thixotropic dry mortar mix designed especially for manufacturing waterproofing membrane on the walls and ceilings of concrete, reinforced concrete and masonry structures. Mortar WATERFIX XP TH can be treated directly with by appropriate type of secondary protection, depending on the exposure of the repaired structure, or it may be further coated by the spread coating material DENSOFIX XP. Due to secondary crystallization in the pore system of a water-bearing concrete, it creates an insulating layer on the surface of a concrete structure, which is impermeable to water, oil, organic solvents, petroleum products etc

Physical and mechanical parameters

Requirements / results according to EN 14891

Testing method Requirements Results
Adhesion to base (MPa) initial EN 14891 > 0.5 > 2.0
after contact with water EN 14891 > 0.5 > 2.0
after aging in heat EN 14891 > 0.5 > 2.0
after de-icing cycles EN 14891 > 0.5 > 2.0
after contact with limewater EN 14891 > 0.5 > 2.0
Water tightness EN 14891 no penetration no leakage
Crack-bridging ability under normal conditions EN 14891 > 0.75 NPD

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color Non-standard grey
Bulk density of fresh mortar (kg/m3) 2,200 ± 50
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 4.0 > 4.5 > 4.8
28 days > 7.0 > 7.5 > 8.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days > 20 > 23 > 25
28 days > 36 > 40 > 44
Dynamic E-module (GPa) < 23 < 26 < 28
Termiline paisumiskoefitsient (K-1) 11.5 ± 0.4 x 10-6
Frost resistance > T100
Filtration coefficient k (ms-1) < 2.5×10-12

Test certificates
Meets the requirements of EN 14891, annex ZA.
Initial type testing according to EN 14891 issued by TSÚS Bratislava.
Supervision of the quality system, EMS and OHSAS is carried out by Notified Body No. 1020.

Instruction for preparation and application.
During the processing of WATERFIX XP TH dry mortar mixes it is generally necessary to comply with the principles contained in the relevant technological process BETOSAN for repair of reinforced concrete structures (TP # 1/06)
Base. Any incoherent, loose, weatherworn or otherwise visibly damaged concrete shall be completely removed from the surface of the base. Corroded reinforcement shall be carefully released and cleaned of any corrosive products. Before application of repair material, humidification of the base surface shall be properly and repeatedly performed for at least 120 minutes. The properly humidified concrete shall be dully dump, and not covered with dump shining water film. Substrate can be cohesive masonry as well. It is possible to anchor the material to substrate by adhesion bridge DENSOCRETE 111 or mechanically.

Preparation of mortar.
The mortar is prepared by simple mixing with water. During mixing, it is necessary
to use a low-speed mixer with forced circulation. Recommended mixing ratio is shown in the following table:

Type of mortar max size of fillers recommended mixing ratio applied layer thickness
dry component (kg) water (liters) min. (mm) max. (mm)
WATERFIX XP TH f fine 1 mm 25 3.75 ÷ 4.00 3 12
WATERFIX XP TH r medium 4 mm 25 3.50 ÷ 3.75 10 25
WATERFIX XP TH c coarse 8 mm 25 3.45 ÷ 3.70 20 40

The recommended batch of water can be adjusted to reach optimum workability. If added water exceeds the recommended quantity by 10%, risk of cracking is significantly enhanced. It can also lead to drop of mechanical properties.

Workability of the product is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5°C and above + 30°C.

Mortar application. WATERFIX XP TH can be applied either manually or mechanically by dry or wet spraying. The mortar can be manually applied either by rendering or fining off. First layer (connecting) needs to be applied in such a way to ensure that no unfilled spaces are created behind reinforcement, in caverns etc.). After initial application it is recommended to spread the mortar into pores and uneven spaces. This can be done well with flat paint brush with short hair, or by a toothed trowel. Proper adhesion of the material to substrate in application stage is basic condition for good quality adhesion in the final state. In localized repairs it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to edge regions or repaired area, where the edge needs to be properly compacted, without entrapped air pockets or other non-homogeneities. The repair is always done from place of deepest degradation, in such a way that the final layer it to be continuous over entire area, if possible.

Surface finalization. After initial setting of the last layer, smoothing by a dry polyurethane finisher is used for surfacing. Wet surfacing is not allowed. If the surface is to be smoothed with fine spread coating (e.g. DENSOFIX), ruling off by a wooden tamper is sufficient.

Surface treatment Repaired surfaces shall be properly treated immediately after completion to avoid especially direct exposure to sun, wind effect and other factors accelerating undesirable evaporation of the batch water. Use of the treatment agents DENSOCURE W and DENSOCURE R proved well

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar is 1.7 ÷ 1.8 kg/m2 at 1 mm of layer thickness. In spray application, it is necessary to count with loss of 10 ÷ 12 %

More info on the product page
WATERFIX XP TH (pdf, 0.2 MB)



Expansible non-slump grouting mortar for fixing of anchor elements, sealing penetrations and defects in concrete structures with XYPEX ADMIX C-1000 admixture

Product Characteristics
A single-component dry mortar expansible mix containing expansive and sealing admixture XYPEX ADMIX C-1000. Meets the requirements of EN 1504-6 for anchoring and reinforcing concrete by steelreinforcing bars.

  • applied manually, it is thixotropic – doesn’t flow down
  • perfect adhesion to base
  • permanently water resistant
  • perfect mechanical properties
  • perfectly fills up holes and cavities due to controlled expansion
  • permanently seals filled holes and connections due to secondary crystallization in pore structure of the mortar and adjacent concrete against water, oil products, etc.
  • enhanced chemical resistance

SUPERFIX XP TH is a single-component expansible dry mortar mix on the Portland cement basis intended especially for anchoring elements fixation and filling up holes and cavities in concrete structures. SUPERFIX XP TH mortar ensures proper and permanent filling and monolithing of the concrete. It provides alkaline protection to anchoring elements. It is also practical for monolithing of joints in prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Filled up holes are sealed perfectly against water and variety of both aqueous and non-aqueous liquids, especially oil products.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Requirements / results according to EN 1504-6

Testing method Requirement Result
Pull out (mm) EN 1881 < 0.6 < 0.3
KChloride ion content (%) EN 1015-7 < 0.05% < 0.02%

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color non-standard grey
Bulk density(kg/m3) 1530 ± 40
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 7.5 > 8.5
28 days > 10.0 > 10.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days > 45 > 50
28 days > 55 > 60
Expansion ‰ 1) after 28 days + 0.6
Filtration coefficient K (ms-1) 2.5×10-12
1) under the temperature of 20±5 °C and relative air humidity from 50 to 75 %

Test certificates
The product is certified according to Act 22/1997 and Governmental Decree No. 312/2005 Coll. Continuous independent quality control is provided by accredited testing laboratory No. 095/2002, Horský s.r.o..
Supervision of the quality system, EMS and OHSAS is carried out by Notified Body No. 1020

Instruction for preparation and application.
Base. Any dust and incoherent particles shall be removed from the base before application. The concrete surface cannot be contaminated by substances, which can negatively affect adhesion of the mortar to the base (oil or other products). Before application of the prepared mortar, humidification of the concrete surface shall be properly and repeatedly performed for at least 120 minutes.

mortar grading (mm) recommended mixing ratio thickness of the grouting (mm)
dry component (kg) water (liters) min. max.
SUPERFIX XP TH f 0 ÷ 1 25 3.25 ÷ 3.75 5 35
SUPERFIX XP TH r 0 ÷ 4 25 3.20 ÷ 3.70 20 unlimited

Preparation of mortar. SUPERFIX XP TH is prepared by mixing necessary amount of dry mortar with measured amount of water. The recommended mixing ratio is specified in the Table I. Optimum quantity of batching water can fluctuate in the given interval as it is usual with mortars containing a cementing binder.

Workability of the product is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C.
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5°C and above + 30°C.

Mortar application. SUPERFIX XP TH grouting expansion mortar was developed especially for small volume repairs of passages and defects in concrete structures. SUPERFIX XP TH mortar can be applied mechanically or manually. Anchoring holes (resp. filled joints, passages and holes in general) shall be filled at once without any interruption so the filling won’t contain work joints.

Applied mortar treatment. Laid surfaces shall be properly treated immediately after completion. Use of the PE foil, moistened geotextile, etc. for coverage of laid areas or filled holes proved well.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar amounts to 1.8 ÷ 1.9 kg/dm3.

More info on the product page
SUPERFIX XP TH (pdf, 0.2 MB)



Rapidly hardening hydroinsulation mix with XYPEX ADMIX C-1000 admixture.

Product Characteristics
One-component thixotropic non-slump fine-grained rapidly setting concrete mix containing sealing admixture XYPEX ADMIX C-1000

  • extremely rapid hardening
  • does not contain chlorides, fully compatible with reinforced concrete
  • permanently water-resistant due to secondary crystallisation in porous system of liquefied concrete permanently seals the concrete base
  • high chemical resistance
  • seals concrete base against petroleum products
  • freeze-thaw resistant
  • good adhesion to concrete substrate
  • fit for thickness from 15 to 300 mm

MONOCRETE XP TH rapid is rapidly hardening prefabricated mix intended especially for localized or full surface repairs of concrete or masonry structures, where rapid hardening is required. Mix features very short setting time and extremely rapid strength increase. The mix can be loaded with light traffic after 6 hours, material can be fully loaded after 24 hours. It creates sealing membrane resistant against water, oils, organic solvents, oil products, etc. on the surface of the concrete or masonry structures.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color non-standard grey
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1600 ± 40
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 6 hr > 2,50
24 hr > 5,00
14 days > 7,50
28 days > 9,00
Compressive strength (MPa) 6 hr > 210,0
24 hr > 25,0
14 days > 50,0
28 days > 55,0
Static E-module (GPa) < 28
Thermal expansion coefficient (K-1) 11,0 ± 0.5.10-6
Freeze-thaw resistance > T100
Coefficient of filtration K (ms-1) < 2,5.10-12
De-icing chemicals resistance according to ČSN 73 1326 method A > 75
Adhesion to substrate (MPa) > 1,5

Meets requirements of norm EN 1504 – 3:2005

Test certificates
The product is certified according to Act no. 22/1997 Coll. and Governmental Decree no. 163/2002 Coll. Continuous independent quality control is provided by accredited testing laboratory no. 095/2002, Horský s.r.o.. The authorised entity no. 204 provides quality system supervision.

Instruction for preparation and application.
Base. Dirt and incoherent, loose or otherwise visibly damaged concrete shall be completely removed from the base before application. Corroded reinforcement, if any, shall be cleaned of any incoherent corrosive products. Tensile strength of surface layers of the concrete base should be optimally on the level of 1.5 MPa. Before application, humidification of the surface of the base shall be properly and continually performed for at least 120 minutes. Before casting, the surface shall be dully damp, and not covered with shining water film. Rapidly leaking areas of the structure need to be drained using drainage hoses and after full surface application of the material close the drainage openings with rapidly setting hydroinsulation putty WATERIFIX rapid.

Preparation of mix. The mix is one-component and is mixed with water only. Pan concrete mixer can be used for preparation of the mix or in case of preparation of small amount, the mix can be mixed with a propeller mixer driven by an appropriate electric drill. Add 1,95 ÷ 2,25 l of water to 15 kg of mix (1 pail). This mix can be applied by the dry spraying. Regular gravity mixers cannot be used for mixing of this material due to very short setting time. When preparing larger volume of the material it is necessary take into account that workability of the mix is 10 to 15 minutes at 20°C.

Workability of the mix is 10 – 15 minutes at 20°C. Workability time adequately shortens at elevated temperatures. Neither temperature of concrete substrate nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 1°C and above + 35°C. Mix has limited capacity to cure in freezing condition

The mix is appliedby two methods – classical rendering or so called dry spraying. Manual application can be done by setting or spreading. First layer (connective) needs to be applied in such a way to prevent creation of any cavities (behind rebar etc.). After first application of the mortar it is recommended to spread the mortar into pores and holes in the substrate. It is recommended to use flat brush or saw-tooth trowel. Proper workmanship is basic condition for quality adhesion. When applying local repairs it is necessary to take good care to remove any voids or pores from edge of the local repair. Repair mix should be always applied from the area of deepest damage in such a way that the final layer will be continuous.

Finalization of the surface. After the initial setting standard processes (smoothing by a float, steel trowel or polystyrene finisher) are used for surfacing. No additional water shall be worked up into the surface.

Surface treatment. Concrete surface shall be protected against direct sunshine and wind immediately after completion. Intensive treatment shall be carried out 3 to 6 hours following the application. Optimal treatment is to cover the surface with permanently moistened geotextiles.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar is 1,8 kg/m2 at 1 mm of layer thickness.

More info on the product page
MONOCRETE XP TH rapid (pdf, 0.2 MB)



Prefabricated mix (fine-grained concrete) is intended for substitution of structural concrete in quality class on the level C30/37 with XYPEX ADMIX C 1000 admixture.

Product Characteristics
One-component thixotropic non-slump fine-grained concrete mix containing sealing admixtures XYPEX ADMIX C 1000

  • Applied by two methods – classical rendering or dry spraying
  • strength corresponds to quality class of concrete C30/37 according to EN 206-1,
  • minimum fallout in case of dry spraying
  • contains latently hydraulic silicon dioxide (silica fume, microsilica) enhancing concrete compactness and life
  • permanently water-resistant,
  • due to secondary crystallisation in porous system of liquefied concrete permanently seals the concrete base
  • high chemical resistance,
  • seals concrete base against oil products
  • freeze-thaw resistant
  • good adhesion to concrete base
  • partially reduced changes in volume
  • fast growth of strength
  • fit for thickness from 15 to 300 mm

MONOCRETE MONOMIX XP TH is intended especially for fabrication of the vertical water proofing membrane on the concrete base. It is practical for repairs of leaking concrete and reinforced concrete constructions. It creates the sealing membrane resistant against water, oils, organic solvents, oil products, etc. on the surface of the concrete construction.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color non-standard grey
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1600 ± 40
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 5.5
28 days > 7.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days < 28
28 days > 42
Static E-module (GPa) > 28
Thermal expansion coefficient (K-1) 11.0 ± 0.5×10-6
Frost resistance > T100>
Coefficient of filtration (ms-1) < 2,5×10-12
Adhesion to base (MPa) > 1.5

Meets requirements of norm EN 1504 – 3:2005

Test certificates
The product is certified according to Act no. 22/1997 Coll. and Governmental Decree no. 163/2002 Coll. Continuous independent quality control is provided by accredited testing laboratory no. 095/2002, Horský s.r.o.. The authorised entity no. 204 provides quality system supervision.

Instruction for preparation and application.
Base. Dirt and incoherent, loose or otherwise visibly damaged concrete shall be completely removed from the base before application. Corroded reinforcement, if any, shall be cleaned of any incoherent corrosive products. Tensile strength of surface layers of the concrete base should be optimally on the level of 1,5 MPa. Before application, humidification of the surface of the base shall be properly and continually performed for at least 120 minutes. Before casting, the surface shall be dully dump, and not covered with dump shining water film.

Preparation of mix. The mix is one-component and is mixed with water only. Both the classic gravity concrete mixer and pan concrete mixer can be used for preparation. In case of preparation of small amount, the mix can be mixed with a propeller mixer driven by an appropriate electric drilling machine. Add 3,25 – 3,75 l of water to 25 kg of mix (1 bag). This mix can be applied by the socalled dry spraying – in this case it is possible to accelerate beginning of initial setting and hardening of the mix.

Workability of the mix is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C.
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5 °C and above + 30 °C.

The mix is applied by two methods – by rendering or so called dry spraying. First layer (connecting) needs to be applied in such a way to ensure that no unfilled spaces are created behind reinforcement, in caverns etc.). After initial application it is recommended to spread the mortar into pores and uneven spaces. This can be done well with flat paint brush with short hair, or by a toothed trowel. Proper adhesion of the material to substrate in application stage is basic condition for good quality adhesion in the final state. In localized repairs it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to edge regions or repaired area, where the edge needs to be properly compacted, without entrapped air pockets or other non-homogeneities. The repair is always done from place of deepest degradation, in such a way that the final layer it to be continuous over entire area, if possible.

Surface finalization After the initial setting standard processes (smoothing by a float, steel trowel or polystyrene finisher) are used for surfacing. No additional water shall be worked up into the surface.

Surface treatment. Concrete surface shall be protected against direct sunshine and wind immediately after completion. Intensive treatment shall be carried out for at least 3 days following the casting. Optimal treatment means to cover the surface with geotextiles permanently moistened.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar is 1,8 kg/m2 at 1 mm of layer thickness. In spray application, it is necessary to count with loss of 10 ÷ 12 %

More info on the product page



Fine spread coating for repair of concrete surface with XYPEX ADMIX C-1000 admixture

Product Characteristics
Single-component dry spread coating containing redispersable polymers with sealing admixture XYPEX ADMIX C-1000. Meets the requirements EN 1504-3.

  • mixed with water only, good workability
  • permanently seals the concrete base due to secondary crystallization in the pore system of a water-bearing concrete
  • highly chemically resistant, seals the concrete surface against oil products
  • frost-resistant
  • perfect adhesion to base
  • good mechanical properties
  • compensated in volume
  • as required by Act No. 258/2000 Coll. and Ministry of Health Decree No. 409/2005 Coll. is eligible for direct contact with drinking water

DENSOFIX XP a single-component dry mortar mix intended especially for repairs and sealing of damaged and repaired concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces. Spread coating DENSOFIX XP can be coated with any type of secondary protection in dependence on exposure of the repaired structure. It creates an insulating layer on the surface of a concrete structure, which is impermeable to water, oil, organic solvents, oil products etc.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Requirements / results according to EN 1504-3 class R3

Testing method R 3Requirements Results
Compressive strength (MPa) EN 12190 > 25 > 25
Chloride Ion Content (%) EN 1015-7 < 0.05 < 0.05
Adhesive Bond (MPa) EN 1542 > 1.5 > 1.5
Carbonation Resistance EN 153295 dk>control concrete complies
Elastic Modulus (GPa) EN 13415 > 15 > 15
Thermal Compatibility, part 1: Freeze-thaw (MPa) EN 13687-1 adhesion after test> 1.5 > 1.5
Capillary Absorption (kg m-2 h-0.5) EN 13057 < 0.5 < 0.5

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color Non-standard yellow-grey
Bulk density (kg/m3) 2070 ± 40
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 3.0
28 days > 5.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days > 16
28 days > 25
Dynamic E-module (GPa) < 25
Thermal expansion coefficient (K-1) 12.5 ± 0.4×10-6
Frost resistance > T100>
Filtration coefficient k (ms-1) < 2.5×10-12
Penetration of water under pressure penetration into the body with the spread coating < penetration into the body without the spread coating
1) at 20 ± 5 °C and relative humidity of ambient air 50 – 75 %

Test certificates
Meets the requirements of EN 1504-3, TP ŘSD Sec. 31 and TP SSBK III.
Certificate of conformity of factory production control under the system 2+ was issued by TSÚS Bratislava.
Supervision of the quality system, EMS and OHS is carried out by Notified Body No. 1020.

Instruction for preparation and application.
During the processing of dry mortar mixes DENSOFIX XP it is generally necessary to comply with the principles contained in the relevant technological process BETOSAN for repair of reinforced concrete structures (TP No. 1/06).

Base. Any incoherent, loose or weatherworn particles and dust shall be completely removed from the surface of the repaired base. The concrete surface cannot be contaminated by substances negatively affecting adhesion to the base (fats, greases, oils, etc.). Rinsing with pressure water is the best method for necessary complete removal of any dust from the entire repaired surface before application.

Preparation of spread coating. The spread coating is prepared by simple mixing with water. The recommended mixing ratio is as follows:

Dry component (kg) Water (litres) Thickness of applied layer (mm)
DENSOFIX XP/ 25 5.00 ÷ 5.75 min. 2 max.4

Workability of the product is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C.
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5 °C and above + 30 °C.

DENSOFIX XP spread coating is applied either mechanically or manually. Manual application means finning off. The spread coating is applied in one layer whose thickness should not exceed value specified in the above table. Surfaces coated with the spread coating shall be efficiently protected against direct sunshine and wind.

Surface finalization After initial setting of the spread coating smoothing by a dry polyurethane or polystyrene finisher is used for surfacing.

Surface treatment. Repaired surfaces shall be properly treated immediately after completion to avoid especially direct exposure to sun, wind effect and other factors accelerating undesirable evaporation of the batch water. Use of the following treatment agents DENSOCURE W and DENSOCURE R proved well. It is desirable to properly moisten the repaired places several times a day for min. 3 days following the repair.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar is 1.6 to 1.7 kg/m2 at 1 mm of layer thickness.

More info on the product page
DENSOFIX XP (pdf, 0.2 MB)


Betosan s.r.o. was founded in Czech Republic in 1992. A company grew out of an engineering bureau, which dealt with the reinforced concrete diagnostics and repairs consultancy.
Betosan s.r.o. specialises in manufacture of rehabilitation and waterproofing materials for reinforced concrete; offers ready-to-use mixtures for reinforced concrete sanation as well as various mortar admixtures for reinforced concrete, that allow in-situ measuring in dosage of filling compounds, necessary for a blend.
A wide product line includes dry concrete mixes, containing XYPEX® admixture.




Expansible infilling thixotropic dry mortar for fixing anchoring elements, sealing penetrations and defects in concrete structures

Product Characteristics
Single-component expansive dry mortar mix containing expansive admixture. Meets the requirements of EN 1504-6 for anchoring and reinforcing concrete by steel reinforcing bars.

  • applied manually or mechanically
  • thixotropic – doesn’t flow down
  • permanently water resistant
  • perfect mechanical properties
  • perfectly fills up holes and cavities due to controlled expansion

SUPERFIX TH is a single-component expansible dry mortar mix on the Portland cement basis intended especially for filling up holes and cavities in concrete structures. SUPERFIX TH mortar ensures proper and permanent filling and monolithing of the concrete. It provides alkaline protection to anchoring elements. It is also practical for monolithing of joints in prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Requirements / results according to EN 1504-6

Testing method Requirements Results
Pull out (mm) EN 1881 <0.6 <0.3
Chloride Ion Content (%) EN 1015-17 <0.05 <0.02

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color Non-standard grey
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1530 ± 40
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 7.5 > 8.5
28 days > 10.0 > 10.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days > 45 > 55
28 days > 55 > 60
Expansion (volume change) % 1) after 28 days +0,6
1) at 20±5 °C and relative humidity of ambient air 50 – 75 %

Test certificates
The product is certified according to Act 22/1997 and Governmental Decree No. 312/2005 Coll. Continuous independent quality control is provided by accredited testing laboratory No. 095/2002, Horský s.r.o.
Supervision of the quality system, EMS and OHSAS is carried out by Notified Body No. 1020.

Instruction for preparation and application.
Base. Any dust and incoherent particles shall be removed from the base before application. The concrete surface cannot be contaminated by substances, which can negatively affect adhesion of the mortar to the base (oil or other products). Before application of the prepared mortar, humidification of the concrete surface shall be properly and repeatedly performed for at least 120 minutes.

Preparation of mortar. SUPERFIX TH is prepared by mixing necessary amount of dry mortar with measured amount of water. The recommended mixing ratio is specified in the following Table. Optimum quantity of batching water can fluctuate in the given interval as it is usual with mortars containing a cementing binder.

mortar grading (mm) recommended mixing ratio thickness of the grouting (mm)
dry component (kg) water (litres) min max
SUPERFIX TH f 0 ÷ 1 25 3.25 ÷ 3.75 5 35
SUPERFIX TH r 0 ÷ 4 25 3.20 ÷ 3.70 20 unlimited

Workability of the product is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C.
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5 °C and above + 30 °C.

Mortar application. SUPERFIX TH mortar has especially good workability, it is highly non-slump and it has a perfect adhesion base. To ensure a perfect filling of the cavities, it is important to mix the mortar well and remove all the air non-homogeneities.

Applied mortar treatment Laid surfaces shall be properly treated immediately after completion. Use of the PE foil, moistened geotextile, etc. for coverage of laid areas or filled holes proved well.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar amounts to 1.8 ÷ 1.9 kg/dm3.

More info on the product page
SUPERFIX TH (ENG) (pdf, 0.2 MB)



Rehabilitation thixotropic mortar for repair of reinforced concrete structures

Product Characteristics
Single-component dry mortar volume compensated mixture containing PP fibers, re-dispersible polymers and further improving additives. Meets the requirements of class R3 according to EN 1504-3.

  • designed for concrete repair (principle 3, 4 and 7 method 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4, 7.1 and 7.2 according to EN 1504-3
  • good workability, is thixotropic, applied manually or by spraying
  • compensated in volume
  • perfect adhesion to the concrete base and reinforcement
  • is frost resistant and resistant deicing salts
  • As required by Act No. 258/2000 Coll. and Ministry of Health Decree No. 409/2005 Coll. it is eligible for direct contact with drinking water

MONOCRETE PPE TH is a single-component dry mortar that meets the requirements of class R3 according to EN 1504-3. Polymer-cement mortar MONOCRETE PPE TH is intended especially for repairs of damaged concrete and reinforced concrete vertical surfaces and ceilings principle 3, 4 and 7 method 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4, 7.1 and 7.2 according to EN 1504-3). It comes in three grain sizes. MONOCRETE PPE TH can be coated either with directly applicable type of secondary protection in dependence on exposure of the repaired structure or can be further surfaced by application of the DENSOFIX spread coating.

Physical and mechanical parameters

Requirements / results according to EN 1504-3 class R3

Testing method R3 Requirements Results
Compressive strength (MPa) EN 12190 >25 R3
Chloride Ion Content EN 1015-7 <0.05% <0.01%
Adhesive Bond (MPa) EN 1542 >1.5 >2.0
Carbonation Resistance EN 13295 dk ≤ control concrete complies
Restrained shrinkage/expansion (MPa) EN 12617-4 Adhesion after test ≥1.5 >1.5
Elastic Modulus (GPa) EN 13412 >1.5 >15

Physical and mechanical parameters

Color Non-standard grey
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1,540 ± 40
Bulk density of fresh mortar (kg/m3) 2,200 ± 50
Grain size (mm) 0 ÷ 1 0 ÷ 4 0 ÷ 8
Tensile bending strength (MPa) 7 days > 40 > 4.5 > 4.8
28 days > 7.0 > 7.5 > 8.5
Compressive strength (MPa) 7 days > 20 > 23 > 25
28 days > 36 > 40 > 44
Dynamic E-module (GPa) < 23 < 26 < 28
Thermal expansion coefficient (K-1) 11.5 ± 0.4×10-6
Frost resistance > T150
De-icing chemicals resistance according to ČSN 73 1326 Method A D1 > 75

Test certificates
Meets the requirements of EN 1504-3, TP ŘSD Sec. 31 and TP SSBK III.
Initial tests types according to EN 1504-3, Protocol No. 1301-CPD-0295 issued by TSÚS
Bratislava. Resistance to CHRL according to ČSN 73 1326, protocol No. 32/2000-B, issued by ŘSD Prague. Supervision of the quality system, EMS and OHSAS is carried out by Notified Body No. 1020

Instruction for preparation and application.
During the processing of dry mortar mixes MONOCRETE PPE TH it is generally necessary to comply with the principles contained in the relevant technological process BETOSAN for repair of reinforced concrete structures (TP n.1/06).

Base. Any incoherent, loose, weatherworn or otherwise visibly damaged concrete shall be completely removed from the surface of the repaired base. Corroded reinforcement shall be carefully released and cleaned of any corrosive products before application of repair material, humidification of the base surface shall be properly and continually performed for at least 120 minutes. The properly humidified concrete shall be dully dump, and not covered with dump shining water film. If necessary, it is possible to anchor the material to the base with the adhesive bridge DENSOCRETE 111.

Preparation of repair mortar. The mortar is prepared by simple mixing with water. During stirring it is necessary to use a low-speed mixer with forced circulation. The recommended mixing ratio is specified in the following table:

Indication/type of mortar max size of fillers Recommended mixing ratio Thickness of applied layer in single working area
Dry component (kg) Water (litres) min. (mm) max. (mm)
MONOCRETE PPE TH f fine 1 mm 25 3,70 ÷ 3,95 5 12
MONOCRETE PPE TH r medium 4 mm 25 3,45 ÷ 3,70 10 25
MONOCRETE PPE TH c coarse 8 mm 25 3,40 ÷ 3,65 20 40

Workability of the product is 50 – 60 minutes under 20 °C.
Neither temperature of base nor temperature of ambient air shall be below + 5 °C and above + 30 °C.
Mortar application can be done either manually or by dry or wet spraying. The mortar can be manually applied either by rendering or fining off.
First layer (connecting) needs to be applied in such a way to ensure that no unfilled spaces are created (behind reinforcement, in caverns etc.). After initial application it is recommended to spread the mortar into pores and uneven spaces. This can be done well with flat paint brush with short hair, or by a toothed trowel. Proper adhesion of the material to substrate in application stage is basic condition for good quality adhesion in the final state. In localized repairs it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to edge regions or repaired area, where the edge needs to be properly compacted, without entrapped air pockets or other non-homogeneities. The repair is always done from place of deepest degradation, in such a way that the final layer it to be continuous over entire area, if possible.

Surface finalization. After initial setting of the last layer, smoothing by a dry polyurethane finisher is used for surfacing. Wet surfacing is not allowed. If the surface is to be smoothed with fine spread coating (e.g. DENSOFIX), ruling off by a wooden tamper is sufficient.

Surface treatment. Repaired surfaces shall be properly treated immediately after completion to avoid especially direct exposure to sun, wind effect and other factors accelerating undesirable evaporation of the batch water. Use of the treatment agents DENSOCURE W and DENSOCURE R proved well.

Specific consumption
Specific consumption of dry mortar is 1.7 ÷ 1.8 kg/m2 at 1 mm of layer thickness. In spray application, it is necessary to count with loss of 10 ÷ 12 %.

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