Sanation plaster epasit lpf
Sanation plaster epasit lpf is designed for damp and salt damaged masonries, first of all, plasterwork of basements and basement walls.
Sanation plaster epasit lpf is a part of EPASIT sanation system 2000.
epasit lpf can be used both indoors and outdoors.
Sanation plaster epasit lpf features high water steam through-put, large porosity volume and small capillary capacity ready-to-use mixture of white colour. Due to the above-mentioned features, moisture from the substrate can penetrate through plaster only in the form of water steam. Salts are collected in pores. Thus the plastered surface stays dry and won’t crush.
epasit lpf is conformable with WTA (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege – Scientific technical group for preservation of structures and renovation of landmarks) directives in compliance to datasheet 2-9-04/D. epasit lpf surbodinates to the in-business product line and the independent watchdog – building materials control and certification union (BÜV-ZERT) in Baden-Württemberg state. epasit ap is WTA certified and enjoys the right to bear WTA service badge. epasit lpf has low content of chromite, thus meeting class TGRS 613/Giscode ZP 1.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_lpf.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Bonding plaster epasit hb
epasit hb is a bonding plaster, designed for creating of bonding surface over sanation plaster epasit lpf and screeds epasit ap or sealing waterproofing mortar epasit dp.epasit hb is included into the sanation system epasit 2000.
Epasit hb is a mineral plaster, rapidly laminated dry mortar.
epasit hb has low content of chromite, meeting class TGRS 613/Giscode ZP 1. epasit hb is salt resistant and complies with regulations of WTA* datasheet 2-2-91/D “Sanation plaster systems”.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_hb.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Mould and decay resistant system
epasit ex
epasit ex is a solution for elimination of microorganisms like bacteria, blastomycete, fungi (mould) and waterweeds on masonries, concrete, plaster, paint coatings and indoors.
epasit ex is a water solution. Eliminates microorganisms and provides the long-term protection in case no washing-out of active compounds takes place.
Technical data
pH value: approx. 6
Density: ca 1,0 kg/dm³
Preezing point: ca 0 °C
Boiling point: ca 100 °C
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_ex.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Sealing dry mortar epasit dp
epasit dp is designed for waterproofing of structures and their parts against hydrostatic pressure and capillary water.epasit dp is applied as a part of the epasit sanation system 2000 to the soil exposed substrate at the max level of 30 cm higher than the soil level (area of sprayed water). epasit dp is suitable as the substrate for paving and ceramic tiles, shaping drainages, etc.
epasit dp is a mineral dry mortar, that matches DIN EN 998-1, it contains mineral bond compounds and filling materials. epasit dp has low content of chromite, thus meeting TGRS 613 / Giscode ZP 1.
epasit dp surbodinates to the in-business product line and the independent watchdog – building materials control and certification union (BÜV-ZERT) in Baden-Württemberg state.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_dp.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Two component thick bitumene coating
epasit bdk/2k
epasit bdk/2k is a two component, polymerically modified thick bitumene coating. epasit bdk/2k is designed for structures and waterproofing of structural parts against surface moisture and hydrostatic pressure, in accordance to parts 4, 5 and 6 of DIN 18195.
epasit bdk/2k is used in the horisontal and vertical surfaces from the water exposed sides of structures. Among applications, e.g., damp rooms, basements, sub-structural garages, supporting walls, balconies, terraces, etc.
epasit bdk/2k is also suitable for glueing of the heat insulation plates (e.g. epadrain).
epasit bdk/2k is the solvent-free, polysterene-filled, fiber-reinforced, elastic, used for cracks repair bitumene unvulcanised rubber hydrostatic insulaion, matching DIN 18195 “Waterproofing of structures”.
Easily applicable, with high durability, rapidly becomes weather-proof and rapidly solidifies.
epasit bdk/2k resists chemicals, contained in natural soil, there is no danger of contamination to soil water.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_bdk-2k.pdf and from our sales representatives.
epasit ap screeds
epasit ap is WTA certified screeds for elimination of majour roughness on the damp and salt damaged masonries. epasit ap is a part of the epasit sanation system 2000, which also comprises other materials and measures.
epasit ap is DIN EN 998-1 standard conformable dry mortar, containing mineral adhesive compound and filling material. epasit ap features great water steam through-put and high porosity volume. epasit ap has low content of chromite, meeting TGRS 613 / Giscode ZP 1.
epasit ap is conformable with WTA (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege – Scientific technical group for preservation of structures and renovation of landmarks) directives in compliance to datasheet 2-9-04/D. The product surbodinates to the in-business product line and the independent watchdog – building materials control and certification union (BÜV-ZERT) in Baden-Württemberg state. epasit ap is WTA certified and enjoys the right to bear WTA service badge.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Epasit_ap.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Epasit GmbH was founded in Germany in the year of 1957. The enterprise has initially become famous in the sphere of the old damp structures and salinized masonries rehabilitation. Epasit rehabilitation plaster mortar “Sanier-System 2000” was one of the first to receive the new WTA-Certificate 2-9-04. Rehabilitation plaster epasit lpf, featuring high porosity and great water steam through-put, successully passed the long-term permanent tests.
Apart from the above-mentioned products, Epasit GmbH manufactures various mineral and bitumene based waterproofing mortars for hydrostatic insulation of adjoining surfaces and drinking water containers.
Epasit GmbH helps solve problems with indoors climate, and the fire-proof epatherm plate insulation system for indoors heat insulation.
Hydroinsulation mortar XYPEX ADMIX C 1000 with mixes
Product features
A single component dry mortar, that contains waterproof increasing mix XYPEX ADMIX C 1000.
- Applicable manually or dry spraying.
- Low flow when dry sprayed.
- Good bond to substrate.
- Permanently water resistant.
- Non-shrinkable.
- High mechanical properties.
- Frost resistant.
- XYPEX cristal structure permanently seals concrete microporous system.
- High chemicals resistance.
- Protects concrete against oil products.
WATERFIX XP is a single component swellable dry mix, intended for creation of waterproofing coating on the concrete surface. Suitable for repairs of the leaking through concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It forms a sealing layer on the substrate, protecting against water, oils, organic solvents, oil products, etc. depending on the conditions, effecting the surface, an additional coating can be applied to the WATERFIX XP surface.
Dry mix is supplied, containing a one type grain ingredients: plasticised mixture WATERFIX XP is intended for application on horisontal surfaces, while hard mortar WATERFIX XP TH is applied to vertical surfaces or ceilings.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Betosan_Waterfix_XP TH.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Hydroinsulation and gas radon resistant coating / approved for use in surfaces exposed to drinking water.
Product features
Two-component permanently elastic waterproofing cement material, that contains inorganic dry compound and modified polymer dispersion, soluble in water.
- Supplied in packages, containing suitable blending proportion.
- High workability – applied with a brush or a roller.
- Good bond to substrate.
- Permanently resistant to hydrostatic pressure.
- High elasticity; smoothens even moving cracks.
- Resistance to interaction of cold and salts.
- Improves durability of concrete to agressive water.
- Resistant to permanent effect of acidic (up to pH 1,5) and alkaline (up to pH 13,0) solutions.
- Creates effective barrier against penetration of radon.
- Direct contact with drinking water is allowed (in compliance with a decision of Healthcare Board of Czech Republic).
WATERFIN PV is a two-component permanently elastic polymeric cement suspension, intended for waterproofing of different concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Applied for sealing of hydrotechnical structures and water works and as a hydroinsulation layer in bathrooms, swimming pools and water tanks under floors with tiling or finishing. It has has a good aghesion to metal bases and protects them against corrosion (due to its alkaline properties). Material can be used as a permanent anti-radon protection. Suitable also as coating for drinking water tanks. WATERFIN PV is not designed as aesthetic surfacing.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Betosan_Waterfin_PV.pdf and from our sales representatives.
Soldering waterproofing concrete. Contains XYPEX ADMIX C 1000 admixture.
Product features
SUPERFIX XP is a one-component dry mortar, containing swelling admixture and waterproof increasing composition XYPEX ADMIX C 1000.
- Dry mortar is mixed with water only
- Applied manually or with devices
- Permanent barrier against water, oils and other agressive liquids
- Due to cristallisation process, seals pores and joints in the concrete
- Due to controlled swelling, completely fills in the pores
- High chemical resistance
- Resists dynamic pressure
SUPERFIX XP is a one component swellable dry portland cement mortar. Intended for waterproofing anchorage of the concrete elements. SUPERFIX XP ensures proper and steady bond between the concrete structures and elements. SUPERFIX XP resists dynamic pressure. Forms the substrate proteciton layer. Suitable for screeding and grouting, if moderate swelling required.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Betosan_Superfix_XP.pdf and from our sales representatives.